Plasma resistant glasses as new advanced materials for LSI yields via reducing particulate contamination in ICP etching
CHOI J. 1,2, BYUN Y. 1,2, IM W. 2, KIM H. 1
1 Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET), Icheon, Korea (Republic of); 2 Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (Republic of)
Plasma resistant glass (PRG) is used to reduce particulate contamination in semiconductor plasma etching. PRG indicates a lower etching rate than sapphire, and maintains smooth surface roughness and microstructure. AlF3, CaF2, and MgF2, remain on the surface contribute to the reduction in the etching rate due to improved resistance to ion sputtering. In this presentation, we will discuss for PRG to have excellent plasma resistance. It is necessary to (1) maintain a uniform surface, (2) stable glass phase, and (3) have a high sublimation enthalpy when the constituent are fluoridated.