Accelerated life testing of chemically strengthened glass bottles using spray coating
BYUN Y. 1,2, CHOI J. 1,2, IM W. 1, KIM H. 2
1 Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (Republic of); 2 Engineering Materials Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Icheon, Korea (Republic of)
The reliability of chemically strengthened glass bottles was investigated through an accelerated life test. As the number of accelerated tests increased, there was a clear difference in life depending on the presence or absence of chemical strengthening treatment. Despite the formation of a low compressive stress of about 100 MPa on the surface by the spray method, it was effective in increasing the life of the glass bottle. Applying chemical toughing could increase the bottle's chance of survival from 0% to over 90%.