Performance of Ca1-xSrxMnO3-δ-foams and-granules in Thermochemical Oxygen Pumping
1 German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, Germany; 2 RWTH Aachen University, Professorship for Solar Fuel Production, Aachen, Germany
Redox-oxides-based solar-driven thermochemical H2O and CO2 splitting cycles are promising approaches to address challenges of sustainable energy supply, climate change and receding fossil energy reserves. In cyclic operation, a redox-oxide is reduced at high temperatures and low pO2, cooled down and subsequently re-oxidized using H2O and/or CO2, producing energy carriers in the form of H2 and CO. In case of concentrated solar energy supplying the heat for reduction, recuperated heat of the main reaction can be utilized to drive a downstream process of a thermochemical oxygen pump to reduce the pO2 and increase overall efficiency of the H2O or CO2 splitting process. This work, based on prior studies on composition optimization with respect to critical properties of interest and extensive work on manufacturing desired monolithic shapes, presents the performance of Ca1-xSrxMnO3 foams and granules as thermochemical oxygen pumping materials in a demonstrator test rig. The general scheme of thermochemical oxygen pumping is explained and benefits and drawbacks of reticulated foams compared to granules are discussed together with operational strategies to maximize efficiency. The influence of substituting Calcium with Strontium in the Ca1-xSrxMnO3 material system is discussed in the context of redox applications and thermochemical oxygen pumping. Using CeO2 as a representative redox material for H2O and CO2 splitting, it is demonstrated that Ca1-xSrxMnO3 can significantly increase the reduction extent of CeO2 in the process through removal of oxygen from the reactor atmosphere. Technological challenges are discussed and future use-cases are given for redox-oxide reticulated porous ceramics in the context of thermochemical energy conversion.