Smart Factory: vision of the future ceramic industry
1 CEO, 3DCeram, , France
The Covid issues and the war Ukraine are leading to major changes in our society and are causing us to rethink entirely the model of production. The smart factory is a concept that emerges from the digitalization of our society and technologies. It is one of the solutions to the energy crisis that we are currently experiencing and whose outcome is an intensive decarbonization of our productive uses. The smart factory concept is developing around strategic production issues that must now be agile and exact. The new digital manufacturing technologies are relevant tools to manage production in the shortest possible time and in the right quantity. Those digital technologies will integrate a work flow that offers prospects for mass customization, working in concert with environmentally friendly logistics, and near to shape in order to sinter only the quantity needed. It is around a protean artificial intelligence that the smart factory will be able to develop to be ever more agile and accurate.