(Provisional list)
    Properties and performances of the ceramic materials largely depend on their design strategy including their synthesis pathways, their processing and shaping routes. Manufacturing processes carefully designed lead to reliable performance of massive structures or coatings, of porous or dense components even showing a large size and/or a complex shape.
    In many cases, the advanced processing and shaping techniques provide ceramic materials with unique properties that cannot be achieved using conventional routes, leading to novel potential applications of such materials.
    On the other hand, the understanding of fundamental phenomena, as well as the better nano-microstructural design and the processing optimisation to improve the material performances, can be achieved efficiently thanks to the innovative tools supplied by the computational materials science.
    The Symposium entitled ‘Innovative ceramic syntheses, processing and shaping’ is aimed at providing a forum for academic and industrial researchers, to present and discuss their recent scientific results on a wide variety of topics related to science and engineering issues associated with innovative ceramic syntheses, processing and shaping.
    A particular emphasis will be placed on the understanding and use of non-conventional and innovative processes to develop ceramic materials with new functionalities and/or structures, and on current progress and challenges, as well as future directions in sustainable technologies.



    • Powder syntheses
    • Preparation of granulates, feedstocks, suspensions, inks, pastes, and filaments
    • Synthesis and process of geopolymers
    • Polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs)
    • Coating technologies
    • Novel shaping methods (starting from ceramic suspensions, or exploiting soft chemistry, sol-gel, gel casting, ice-templating, temperature-induced forming, direct foaming, ...)
    • Additive manufacturing
    • From porous to dense components
    • Process monitoring and control
    • Multiscale modelling, numerical simulation and Artificial Intelligence/deep learning applied to the design of ceramic materials or components

    Highlight Speakers

    Jon BINNER, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
    Claude ESTOURNES, CNRS - UT3 Paul Sabatier, France
    Andraû KOCJAN, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
    Trudy KRIVEN, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
    Bérangère TOURY, University of Lyon, France
    Zhaoju YU, Xiamen University, China

    Keynote Speakers

    Gideon GRADER, Technion, Israel
    Hortense LE FERRAND, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Ralf RIEDEL, TU Darmstadt, Germany



    Samuel BERNARD
    IRCER Limoges, France


    Politecnico di Torino, Italy


    Paolo COLOMBO, University of Padova, Italy
    Sylvain DEVILLE, ILM Lyon, CNRS, France
    Begoña FERRARI, Instituto de Ceramica y Vidrio, CSIC, Spain
    Thomas GRAULE, EMPA, Switzerland
    Erkki LEVANEN, University of Tampere, Finland
    Rodrigo MORENO, Instituto de Ceramica y Vidrio, CSIC, Spain
    Günter MOTZ, University of Bayreuth, Germany
    Waldemar PYDA, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
    Marco SEBASTIANI, Università Roma 3, Italy
    In the last few decades, remarkable advances in the knowledge and control of sintering mechanisms, modelling of thermal processes, and development of different techniques, among others, Spark Plasma Sintering/Field-Assisted Sintering, Cold Sintering, Flash Sintering and Ultrafast Sintering, have extraordinarily improved the densification of a wide range of ceramic materials with controlled architectures, allowing the manufacturing of complex forms (near net shape) with tailored microstructures and properties. The main objective of this symposium is to take stock of these latest advances and to stimulate discussion of the technological levers still to be lifted for the development of novel ceramic materials with improved properties. The discussion will also aim to respond to the societal challenges that are looming before us, such as the reduction of manufacturing and energy costs whilst minimizing the environmental impact. 



    • Spark plasma sintering/Field-assisted sintering 
    • Flash sintering  
    • Cold sintering  
    • Microwave sintering 
    • Selective Heat Sintering (including laser sintering, radiative heating etc.) 
    • Ultrafast high-temperature sintering 
    • Reactive sintering 
    • Sintering mechanisms 
    • Modelling 
    • Tailored ceramic microstructures and properties (functionally graded, nanomaterials, composites…) 

    Highlight Speakers

    Mattia BIESUZ, University of Trento, Italy
    Claire DANCER, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
    Diletta GIUNTINI, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
    Jing GUO, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

    Keynote Speakers

    Catherine ELISSALDE, ICMCB-CNRS, France
    EugeneOLEVSKY, San Diego State University, United States
    Florent POLGE, Imerys Technology Center, Austria



    Claude ESTOURNES
    CNRS, France


    Manuel BELMONTE
    Institute of Ceramics and Glass, Spain


    Rajendra K. BORDIA, Clemson University, USA
    Francis CAMBIER, BCRC Mons, Belgium
    Javier GARAY, University of California San Diego, USA
    Irina HUSSAINOVA, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
    Anne LERICHE, Polytechnical University Hauts-de-France, France
    Koji MORITA, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
    Roberto ORRÙ, University of Cagliari, Italy
    Clive RANDALL, Penn State University, USA
    Laura SILVESTRONI, Institute of Science and Technology - CNR, Italy
    Richard TODD, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
    This symposium aims at gathering contributions that address current progresses around Additive Manufacturing (AM) and hybridized processing technologies from upstream materials design to downstream characterization, through shaping, debinding, consolidation/sintering, finishing post-treatments and quality check. Both experimental and numerical approaches are welcome in this symposium, emphasizing the current tremendous issue of the full digitalization of the design and entire fabrication chain of ceramics both at the academic and industrial levels. 


    • Additive Manufacturing / Industry 4.0
    • Materials Design / feedstocks  
    • Numerical simulations 
    • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Deep learning 
    • Acquisition of Data, Data Storage, Data use 
    • Debinding, consolidation/sintering and finishing post-treatments 
    • Quality assurance, performance, design, reliability 

    Highlight Speakers

    John BOWEN, UES, Inc., USA
    Samaneh DAVIRAN, EPFL, Switzerland
    Sylvain FOURNIER, Mateis INSA Lyon, France
    Filippo GOBBIN, Università degli studi di Padova, Italy
    Insup KIM, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
    Rohit MALIK, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

    Keynote Speakers

    Philipp GINGTER, Schunk Ingenieurkeramik GmbH, Germany
    Johannes HOMA, Lithoz GmbH, Austria
    Fabrice PETIT, BCRC, Belgium
    Hamidreza YAZDANI SARVESTANI, National Research Council, Canada



    Jens GÜNSTER
    BAM-Berlin, Germany


    Fabrice ROSSIGNOL
    IRCER Limoges, France


    Giorgia FRANCHIN, University Padova, Italy 
    Andraž KOCJAN, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia 
    Fabrice PETIT, BCRC, Belgium 
    Eduardo SAIZ GUTIERREZ, Imperial College, United Kingdom
    André STUDART, ETHZ, Switzerland 
    Andrea ZOCCA, BAM-Berlin, Germany
    Advanced ceramics like ceramic-matrix composites, laminates and architectured porous ceramics are entering a new age, with a robust increase of their applications in aircraft propulsion, brake systems, thermal protection of space objects, heat exchange in energy conversion and heavy industry, nuclear applications, etc … Indeed, their outstanding performances turn them into the « enabling materials » for highly demanding, though strategic applications under extreme conditions. 
    The increasing demand pushes not only the engineers to propose new materials designs, materials solutions and processes but also the scientific community to investigate breakthrough techniques related to their synthesis, multi-scale characterization, testing in a variety of conditions and to develop or apply state-of-the-art modelling techniques in order to better understand the relationships between processing, (micro-)structure and properties of these materials. This symposium welcomes all contributions addressing research and development on this class of amazing materials.    



    • Oxide /non oxide structural ceramics  
    • Architectured ceramics, including porous ceramics 
    • Ceramic Matrix Composites, including Ceramic laminates and fibre composites 
    • MAX phases and related compounds  
    • Manufacturing technologies  
    • Testing techniques; diagnostics; structural characterization 
    • Mechanical, thermal and tribological properties; oxidation/corrosion resistance 
    • Microstructure/property/processing relationships 
    • Design 
    • Modelling, numerical simulation and Artificial Intelligence 

    Highlight Speakers

    FRANKBERG Erkka, Tampere University, Finland
    GALIZIA Pietro, CNR-ISSMC, Italy
    GAVALDA DIAZ Oriol, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
    JIMÉNEZ PIQUE Emilio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
    LAMBRINOU Konstantina, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    LUAN Xingang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
    RUGGLES-WRENN Marina, US Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
    WANG Jingyang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    YAZDANI SARVESTANI Hamidreza, National Research Council, Canada
    ZHANG Fei, KU Leuven, Belgium

    Keynote Speakers

    Angela GALLARDO LÓPEZ, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
    Miladin RADOVIC, Texas A&M University, United States
    Francis REBILLAT, Bordeaux University-LCTS, France
    Antoine VIARD, BJS Ceramics GmbH, Germany



    Gerard L. VIGNOLES
    University of Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA, Safran, LCTS, France


    Jozef VLEUGELS
    KU Leuven, Belgium


    Raúl BERMEJO, University of Leoben, Austria
    Tobias FEY (TBC), Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
    Frank KERN, University of Stuttgart, Germany
    Dietmar KOCH, University of Augsburg, Germany 
    Andrea LAZZERI, University of Pisa, Italy 
    Alberto ORTONA, Italian Swiss Technical University (SUPSI), Manno, TI, Switzerland 
    Zbigniew PĘDZICH, AGH University of Science & Technology, Cracow, Poland
    Pascal REYNAUD, CNRS, INSA Lyon, MaTEIS, France 
    Malika SAÂDAOUI, Mohammadia School of Engineers (EMI), Rabat, Morocco 
    Pavol SAJGALIK, Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovakia
    Refractories have been vital for many materials processing industries for centuries, whilst ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are becoming increasingly important materials for a wide range of high temperature applications, not least aero-engine components and clean energy technologies. This symposium has been designed to exchange ideas related to new and enhanced materials, innovative design approaches, advanced processing routes and new and superior characterisation techniques and results. The refractories section covers the latest research and development in shaped and monolithic refractory ceramics in terms of fundamentals, design of refractories, applications, and future challenges, whilst the CMC and HTCMC aspects of the symposium can cover SiC/SiC, C/SiC, oxide/oxide and UHTCCMCs. 



    • Refractories: raw materials, shaped and monolithic refractories 
    • CMCs: Ox-Ox, SiC-SiC, C-SiC, UHTCMCs 
    • New and enhanced materials, design and microstructures 
    • New processing / manufacturing routes for all of the above 
    • New characterisation techniques / results  
    • Thermomechanical behavior, fracture, and creep 
    • Corrosion, thermodynamic and kinetics 
    • Education 

    Highlight Speakers

    Theresa DAVEY, Tohoku University, Japan
    Florian KERBER, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
    Hong PENG, Elkem Silicon Products Development, Norway
    Jennifer ASTOVEZA, IMERYS MURG GmbH, Germany

    Keynote Speakers

    Michael CINIBULK, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
    In-Ho JUNG, Seoul National University, South Korea
    Victor Carlos PANDOLFELLI, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
    Diletta SCITI, ISTSC, Italy



    Jacques POIRIER
    University of Orléans, France


    Jon BINNER
    University of Bimingham, United Kingdom


    Christos ANEZIRIS, Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany 
    Diletta SCITI, ISTEC-CNR, Italy 
    Shaoming DONG, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, China 
    William FAHRENHOLTZ, University of Missouri Sci & Techn, USA
    Harald HARMUTH, Montanuniversitat Leoben, Austria
    In HO JUNG, Seoul National University, South Korea
    Victor PANDOLFELLI, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Brazil 
    Thorsten TONNESEN, RWTH Aachen University, Germany  
    Yutaka KAGAWA, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan 
    Sustainability in environmental science means “the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance”. Overwhelming evidence of manmade climate change has led to a gradual paradigm shift in favour of sustainable materials, which are defined as products that protect our environment throughout their entire life cycle. Sustainable or not, ceramic materials are truly commendable when considering their negligible pollutive behaviour through their entire length of service and beyond. Another key indicator of sustainability is how well materials can be recycled and reused.  
    The objective of this symposium is to present the last research developments about the key environmental aspects in the field of ceramics :  
    • New deposits of raw materials  
    • Raw materials from recycling, urban mining, by-products from other processes 
    • Avoiding air emissions, particulate matter, soot and gaseous emissions 
    • Valorization of process wastewater containing mineral components and other inorganic materials 
    • Reduction of energy consumption, (drying and firing 800-2000°C) 
    • Avoiding CO2 emissions
    • Unavoidable energy  
    • Predictive maintenance and predictive processes   


    • Evaluation of alternative raw materials 
    • New sustainable industrial processes 
    • Life-cycle assessment: Recycling, upcycling and circular economy 
    • Stability and ageing processes
    • Process monitoring and control 
    • Transition to a low-carbon economy in the silicate industry
    • Low temperature sintering technologies
    • Modelling, numerical simulation and Artificial Intelligence 

    Highlight Speakers

    Ozge AKBULUT, Sabanci University, Turkey
    Tiphaine BAZIN, Valoref-Saint Gobain, France
    Florian KERBER, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
    Chiara MOLINARI, CNR - ISSMC, Italy

    Keynote Speakers

    Jennifer ASTOVEZA, IMERYS MURG GmbH, Germany



    Chiara ZANELLI
    ISTEC Faenza, Italy


    Christoph WOHRMEYER
    Imerys, Germany


    Cécile PAGNOUX
    IRCER Limoges, France


    Julien FOURCADE, Baikowski, France
    Patrick GEHRE, Freiberg University, Germany
    Thomas GRAULE, EMPA, Switzerland
    João António LABRINCHA, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
    Yiannis PONTIKES, KU Leuven, Belgium
    The structural changes that occur in a glass melt are fundamental for the prevention of or creation of the conditions which lead to crystallization. Through the understanding of these conditions, one can engineer the creation of glass and glass ceramic media for diverse applications. During this symposium, we invite all communications on this subject, especially those with interest in the fundamentals and applications where crystal growth, crystal functionalization can lead to new functionality. This symposium will address all studies that link melts to crystals, including the modelling, processing, and metrology (especially those that evaluate in-situ behavior) of glass and glass ceramic systems, that enable unique microstructures and function. 


    • Basic science, crystallization 
    • Link between structure, microstructure and properties (glass, glass-ceramics and glazes)
    • New technologies and innovative processes, hot forming
    • Process monitoring and control
    • Modelling, numerical simulation and Artificial Intelligence
    • Applications and future developments (optics, fibers, laser, etc) 
    • Link between glass/melt and crystal
    • What are the changes that occur in a liquid before the first crystal appears?
    • Applications of bulk, thin film and fiber composites with engineered microstructures 

    Highlight Speakers

    John MCCLOY, Washington State University, USA
    Marcelo NALIN, Institute of Chemistry, São Paulo State University, Brazil
    Laeticia PETIT, Tampere University, Finland
    Tanguy ROUXEL, Institut Physique de Rennes, France

    Keynote Speakers

    Ashutosh GOEL, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA



    Kathleen RICHARDSON
    University of Centra Florida, United States of America


    Daniel NEUVILLE
    USTV and CNRS-IPGP Paris, France


    Mathieu ALLIX
    CEMHTI CNRS Orléans, France


    Delia BRAUER, Otto Schott Institute, Germany 
    Monica FERRARIS, University of Torino, Italy 
    Dusan GALUSEK, Trencin University - FunGlass, Slovakia 
    Christoph GROSS, SCHOTT AG, Germany 
    Mohamed NAJI, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Morocco 
    Rajan SAINI, Akal University, India 
    Cristina SILIGARDI, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy 
    Sohei SUKENAGA, Tohoku University, Japan 
    The symposium will offer an interdisciplinary meeting point for scientists from academia and industry to present and discuss the state-of-the-art, and developments in the broad field of functional ceramics. Besides new fundamental insights, the development of advanced functional ceramics and composites with improved, new or tailored properties relies on emerging processing routes that open new application perspectives. The aim of the symposium is also to highlight advances in the understanding of structure/microstructure/properties relationships.



    • Dielectrics (high K, microwave, high-temperature applications)
    • Ferroics (ferroelectrics, antiferroelectrics, relaxor ferroelectrics, multiferroics) 
    • Magnetic materials  
    • Thermoelectrics 
    • Ionic, electronic and mixed conductors, defect chemistry and transport 
    • Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (from composition and other critical elements to devices, i.e., electromechanical sensors and actuators, energy harvesting …)  
    • Caloric materials and applications, cooling technologies 
    • Modelling, simulation and in situ characterization techniques 
    • Transparent optical ceramics (passive and active) 
    • Composite materials (for new/tailored functionalities) 

    Highlight Speakers

    Harvey AMORÍN, ICMM-CSIC, Spain
    Catherine BISHOP, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
    M. Lourdes CALZADA, ICMM-CSIC, Spain
    Diletta GIUNTINI, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
    Heli JANTUNEN, University of Oulu, Finland
    Hamideh KHANBAREH , University of Bath, United Kingdom
    Christian PITHAN , Forchungszentrum Jülich GmbH, PGI-7, Germany
    Clive RANDALL , The Pennsylvania State University, USA
    Yiquan WU , New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University, USA
    Zuo-Guang YE, Simon Fraser University, Canada

    Keynote Speakers

    Andreja BENCAN GOLOB, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
    Mari-Ann EINARSRUD, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
    Andreas KLEIN, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
    Albert TARANCÓN, IREC, Spain



    Catherine ELISSALDE
    ICMCB, CNRS, University Bordeaux, France


    Barbara MALIČ
    Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia


    Miguel ALGUERÓ, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), CSIC, Spain
    Vincenzo BUSCAGLIA, Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Technologies for Energy (ICMATE), CNR, Italy
    Adrian GOLDSTEIN, Israel Ceramic and Silicate Institute, Israel 
    Jurij KORUZA, Technical University Graz, Austria
    Adelina IANCULESCU, Politechnica University of Bucharest, Romania 
    Pascal MARCHET, University of Limoges, France
    Jürgen RÖDEL, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
    Vladimir SRDIĆ, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
    Marlies K. VAN BAEL, Hasselt University, Belgium
    Paula VILARINHO, University of Aveiro, Portugal 
    This symposium will cover ceramic and glass materials that are crucial for the development of energy conversion and storage technologies, such as: 
    • Power generation (high-temperature coatings and ceramic matrix composites for gas turbines, materials for nuclear fission and fusion reactors and waste confinement, heat storage and exchange, absorbers for solar thermal energy) 
    • Energy harvesting (thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, solar fuels/artificial photosynthesis) 
    • Electrochemical applications (ionic/proton and electronic conducting dense or porous membranes for gas separation, catalytic membrane reactors, solid oxide cells including high-temperature electrolysis, batteries)
    Contributions highlighting new materials, processing-microstructure-properties relationships for these materials, and their integration and functionality in devices, with sustainable manufacturing and recycling solutions, are welcome. Specific components include electrodes, electrolytes, electrochemical membranes, catalysts, substrates, seals, interconnects, coatings or interfacial layers. Testing of single components, modules, and stacks is also considered within the scope of this symposium. 



    • High-temperature materials for gas turbines 
    • Concentrated solar power 
    • Nuclear fission and fusion, and radwaste confinement 
    • Photovoltaics and photocatalytic materials 
    • Thermoelectric materials 
    • Oxygen and hydrogen transport membranes 
    • CO2 capture and utilization 
    • Chemical energy carriers 
    • Solid oxide cells, including oxygen ion, proton and mixed conductors 
    • High-temperature fuel cells and electrolyser 
    • Li- and Na-ion batteries, including all solid-state batteries 
    • Supercapacitors  

    Highlight Speakers

    Armin FELDHOFF, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
    Brinkman KYLE, Clemson University, USA
    Richard LAINE, Dept of Materials Science and Eng, USA
    Glenn MATHER, CSIC, Spain
    Yogendra MISHRA, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
    Sebastian MOLIN, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
    Vincent SEZNEC, LRCS-Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France
    Robert VAßEN, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
    Katja WAETZIG, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Germany

    Keynote Speakers

    Valerie CHAUMAT, CEA, France
    Pierre-Marie GEFFROY, IRCER, CNRS, France
    Muhammad Shirjeel KHAN, IEK-1, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany
    Alexander MICHAELIS, Fraunhofer Institute of Ceramic Technologies and Systems, Germany



    Fabienne AUDUBERT
    CEA, France 


    Federico SMEACETTO
    Politecnico di Torino, Italy 


    Olivier GUILLON
    Forschungszentrum Jülich & RWTH Aachen University, Germany


    Nicolas CLAVIER, ICSM, CNRS, France
    Laurence CROGUENNEC, ICMCB, University of Bordeaux, France
    Jérôme LAURENCIN, CEA / LITEN, France
    Michael REECE, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
    Jose SERRA, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
    Peter VANG HENDRIKSEN, DTU Energy, Denmark
    Louis WINNUBST, University of Twente, Netherlands 
    During the last few decades, the use of ceramic materials for healthcare has significantly increased, encompassing a large variety of applications. Indeed ceramics are no more restricted to applications relying on their mehcanical properties and chemical inertness (such as orthopaedic and dental applications). They are now also vital for applications necessitating biologically active  materials (such as theranostics,  tissue engineering or drug delivery systems).
    Such a variety of applications necessitates bioceramics of many compositions, forms and shapes, manufactured with a large range of advanced or conventional processes. 
    Thus this symposium will seek to bring together researchers from academia, medical device manufacturers, and clinicians, to provide a large view of bioceramics, composite and bioactive glasses used for healthcare.  


    • Ceramics in Nanomedicine, in biotechnology
    • Biological interactions
    • Medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications
    • Dental and orthopaedic ceramics
    • Bioactive ceramics and glasses for tissue engineering
    • Bone replacement, regeneration and reconstruction
    • Bioceramics for therapeutic ion and drug delivery
    • Modelling, numerical simulation and Artificial Intelligence

    Highlight Speakers

    Marta De LARANJEIRA, i3S, Portugal
    Daniel SCHUMACHER, IKTS, Germany
    Monika TATARKOVA, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia

    Keynote Speakers

    Christophe DROUET, CIRIMAT - Université de Toulouse, France
    Frank KERN, University of Stuttgart - IFKB, Germany



    University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany


    Laurent GREMILLARD
    MATEIS Insa Lyon, France



    Jose Carlos ALMEIDA, University of Aveiro, Portugal 
    Marc BOHNER, RMS Foundation, Switzerland 
    Eric CHAMPION, University of Limoges, France 
    Christèle COMBES, Institut National Polytechnique Toulouse, France 
    Hakan ENGQVIST, Uppsala University, Sweden 
    David MARCHAT, Mines Saint Etienne, France 
    Paola PALMERO, Politecnico di Torino, Italy 
    Alessandro Alan PORPORATI, Ceramtec AG, Germany 
    The rapid development of modern societies is based on the availability of new materials with specific features. Construction industry is a big CO2 emitter and consumes each year a huge amount of energy and resources. However, resources availability and global warming are everyday more and more pressing issues to face. Thus, construction materials now need new features, in addition to further improved current performances and durability. To this aim, this symposium focuses on new ceramics and inorganic materials, eventually produced with novel eco-friendly processes or from new raw materials deriving from by-products of other industrial processes. Innovative shaping techniques like 3D printing are also considered because they can help saving resources and thus increase the sustainability of construction materials.
    The appearance of new building materials doesn’t cancel current materials which performances, such as mechanical, physical and functional properties, as well as environmental impact and durability, can be further enhanced. Within the aim of sustainability, end of life scenario has also to be considered, thus recycling of all materials has to be investigated.
    On behalf of the Co-organizers, it is our great pleasure to invite all scientists, colleagues, young researchers, business delegates, students and anybody interested in innovative ceramics and inorganic construction materials to attend this symposium. 


    • Ceramics 
    • Inorganic materials 
    • Inorganic binders and cements 
    • Innovative green synthesis 
    • New raw materials 
    • Recycling of by-products 
    • Innovative shaping processes 
    • Mechanical and functional properties 
    • Durability 
    • Life cycle assessment 

    Highlight Speakers

    Anglani GIOVANNI, Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Torino, Italy
    Fabien Sandra, Holcim, France
    Samuel MEULENYZER, Université de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, France

    Keynote Speakers

    Kamseu ELIE, Local Materials Promotion Authority-MIPROMALO, Cameroon



    Jean-Marc TULLIANI
    DISAT Politecnico di Torino, Italy


    Martin CYR
    LMDC University Toulouse, France


    Maria Chiara BIGNOZZI, University of Bologna, Italy
    Shashank BISHNOI, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
    Maria CRUZ ALONSO, Institute of Construction Science Eduardo Torroja,
    Rachida IDIR, Cerema, France
    Rao Arsalan KHUSHNOOD, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan
    Elodie PRUD’HOMME, INSA de Lyon, France
    Harn WEI KUA, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    William WILSON, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada 
    The characterization of the microstructure and properties of ceramics is simply necessary to enable their development and optimization. It is the cornerstone to allow new discoveries. While classic characterization (mechanical testing, electron microscopies, x-ray or neutron diffraction) still covers a very important role, the requests made to such methods (e.g. expand their capabilities to high temperatures or high pressure, faster in situ or operando measurements etc.) have triggered the development of advanced characterization tools.
    Among those, one can count special microscopy techniques, combined methods (including in-situ and even online during production), 3D imaging techniques, time resolved measurements and characterization at large scale facilities (neutron and synchrotron radiation sources).
    All these allow nowadays pushing the investigations to fantastic spatial and temporal resolutions, under environmental conditions (temperature, pressure, load, reactive atmosphere  etc.) simply unreachable a few decades ago. 

    This symposium aims at sparking the discussion among the ceramic community on:
    • The needs of the community in terms of advanced characterization tools
    • The state-of-the-art of such tools and the gaps existing
    • The possible application of methods that are not commonly used in the community
    • The use of characterization for fundamental understanding materials development quality control modelling 

    Contributions on all the above-mentioned aspects are welcome to trigger vibrant discussions: what do we need to develop and push beyond the current envelope? How do we couple advanced characterization methods  with the build-up of new ceramic materials exhibiting enhanced or even new properties?  

    Trivially, advanced data processing and analysis methods are badly needed in conjunction with the enormous amount of data produced by modern techniques.
    A section of the symposium will be, therefore, dedicated to coupling between characterization and modelling automatic and combined data analysis machine learning methods data reduction techniques and applications

    We expect to pave the road to a joint effort across the fields of experimental characterization, computational tools and material synthesis. 


    • X-ray and neutron scattering, diffraction and absorption methods under external constraints (stress, temperature, pressure etc.) 
    • In situ or operando methods
    • New characterization tools for the development of new ceramic materials
    • Light or X-ray based spectroscopy advanced methods (Raman, Infrared spectroscopy, EXAFS and XANES etc.) 
    • Spatial or temporal high resolution approaches 
    • Advanced methods for the characterization of electrical or magnetic properties of ceramics 
    • From the lab. to the industry. Advanced on-line methods for the characterization of ceramics during their elaboration processes 
    • Artificial Intelligence and advanced materials characterization: Data reduction, data analysis, data fusion. 

    Highlight Speakers

    Eric MAIRE, Laboratoire MateIS - INSA Lyon, France
    Ivar REIMANIS, Colorado School of Mines, USA

    Keynote Speakers

    Alexandre BOULLE, IRCER CNRS, France



    Giovanni BRUNO
    BAM-Berlin, Germany


    IRCER Limoges, France


    Mael GUENNOU, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    Pamela THOMAS, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
    Franck FAYON, CEMHTI-CNRS Orléans, France
    Karine MASENELLI-VARLOT, INSA Lyon, France
    Valter SERGO, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy 

    Ceramics and glass have been part of the material culture of mankind since its early history. They are essential witnesses to the inventiveness, technical and artistic skills on the one hand, and to everyday life of societies on the other hand. The analysis of their material provides information about the origin and management of resources, the exchange and commercial networks, the movement of craftsmen and techniques, the processes of recycling, as well as about art and aesthetics, and the symbolic concepts of past and present civilizations. How can we investigate them most meaningfully, how to preserve them for the next generations?
    Contemporary ceramics are versatile. Diverse production techniques and design methods allow for the most diverse works. Spacious installations, objects inspired by traditions, nature or contemporary events, new glazes, combinations with other materials - the repertoire of contemporary ceramics is endless.
    The scope of this session is to illustrate various facets of research on these emblematic materials, whether archaeometric, historical or artistic, and whether they develop new analytical methodologies or paths of creativity.  


    • Provenance studies of ceramics and glass and trade networks
    • Technological developments in ceramics and glass manufacture and their diffusion
    • Architectural ceramics and glass
    • Conservation and restoration issues in ceramics and glass
    • New techniques, new approaches to ceramics and glass
    • Ceramics and glass as anthropological and symbolic objects
    • Creation and innovation
    • Imitations, forgeries, authentification
    • Recycling, sustainability, environmental issues in cultural heritage and art     

    Highlight Speakers

    Philippe COLOMBAN, Sorbonne Université, MONARIS, France
    Joao Pedro VEIGA, Centro de Investigação de Materiais, FCT NOVA, Portugal
    Umberto VERONESI, Lisbon NOVA University, Portugal

    Keynote Speakers

    Jean-François FOUILHOUX, Ceramic artist, France
    Armand DESBAT, Laboratoire ArAr UMR 5138 Lyon, France



    Jana GÖBEL
    Porzellanikon Selb-Ploessberg, Germany


    C2RMF Paris, France


    Yona WAKSMAN
    ArAr CNRS Lyon, France


    Claudia CASALIE, Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza, Italy 
    Atika CHEMMI, Cité de la Céramique, France 
    Rhiannon EWING-JAMES, The Clay Foundation CIO, UK 
    Ian FREESTONE, University College London, UK 
    Celestino GRIFA, Università degli Studi del Sannio di Benevento, Italy 
    Nadine SCHIBILLE, CNRS UMR 7065 IRAMAT, France 
    Philippe SCIAU, CNRS UPR 8011 CEMES, France 
    Antonín TOMÁSEK, Univerzita J. E. Purynĕ v Ùstí nad Labem, Czech Republic 
    Márcia VILARIGUES, Lisbon NOVA University, Portugal 
    Frontiers of Ceramic Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development
    This joint ECerS-ACerS symposium manifests the importance of international dialogue for sustainable growth and technological advancements in ceramic science and engineering. Organized by two world-leading ceramic societies, the objective of this transatlantic joint symposium is to strengthen global collaboration and improve mutual research potential. It will bring together experts from the global ceramics community to present their ground-breaking research developments lace in the field of ceramics, leading to new functionalities, new processes and enhanced performance. This includes structural and functional ceramic materials and process development for circular economy and sustainable growth. Special attention will be given to advanced manufacturing technologies related to energy, storage, and environmental technologies. This Symposium, which will consist of invited presentations only, will bring together a diverse range of experts from academia and industries all over the world to present the latest progress and discuss key issues, challenges and opportunities in ceramic science and technology.  
    Sponsorships: The European Ceramic Society / The American Ceramic Society


    • New strategies and ceramic technologies for sustainable societal development
    • Recent development and breakthroughs in engineered ceramics and composites
    • Innovative concepts for ceramic manufacturing, processing and integration
    • Ceramics and composites for structural, environmental, energy and health applications
    • Novel processing routes for functional ceramics 
    • Non-destructive testing for investigation of ceramics and composites 
    • Computational materials design and machine learning approaches
    • Additive manufacturing and green processing of ceramics   

    Invited Speakers

    Souad AMMAR, Université Paris Cité, France
    Christos ANEZIRIS, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
    Bikramjit BASU, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
    Samuel BERNARD, IRCER, France
    Rajendra BORDIA, Clemson University, USA
    Ionescu EMANUEL, Fraunhofer IWKS, Germany
    Thomas GRAULE, Empa, Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics, Switzerland
    Olivier GUILLON, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
    Stuart HAMPSHIRE, University of Limerick, Ireland
    Astri Bjørnetun HAUGEN, Technical University of Denmark
    Suk-Joong L. KANG, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

    Invited Speakers

    Young-Wook KIM, University of Seoul, Korea
    Xingbo LIU, West Virginia University, USA
    Vilko MANDIC, University of Zagreb, Croatia
    Sanjay MATHUR, University of Cologne, Germany
    Tatsuki OHJI, AIST, Japan
    Nitin PADTURE, Brown University, USA
    Clive RANDALL, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
    Kumar RAVI, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
    Pavol SAJGALIK, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
    Dileep SINGH, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
    David S. SMITH, University of Limoges - IRCER, France
    Omer VAN DER BIEST, KU Leuven, Belgium
    Gunnar WESTIN, Uppsala University, Sweden
    Yiquan WU, New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University, USA



    Sanjay MATHUR
    American Ceramic Society, USA


    Francis CAMBIER
    European Ceramic Society, Belgium



    Christos ANEZIRIS, Technical University Freiberg, Germany
    Jon BINNER, University of Birmingham, UK 
    Raj BORDIA, Clemson University, USA 
    Michele DONDI, CNR-ISTEC, Italy
    Monica FERRARIS, Politechnico di Torino, Italy 
    Suk-Joong KANG, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, South Korea
    Young-Wook KIM, Seoul National University, South Korea 
    Ravi KUMAR Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
    Tatsuki OHJI, AIST Japan, Japan
    Omer VAN DER BIEST, KULeuven, Belgium
    Pavol SAJGALIK, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia

    The Satellite Symposium (SS15) entitled Clinical Applications of Ceramics and Technologies in Dentistry within the Symposium S10 is organized in memoriam of ECERS' fellows James Zhijian Shen and Tomaž Kosmač, who sadly passed away recently. Close collaborators and friends, with the same vision, they always had in mind to : 

    • Integrate advanced ceramics, ceramic technologies and the demand for ceramic-based solutions in restorative dentistry into a single, comprehensive research community.  
    • Promote networking and discussions between ceramists, engineers and clinicians devoted to dental ceramics and ceramic processes with the focus on challenges encountered by the current and the emerging concepts going beyond the state of the art.
    They successfully laid the foundation stone of such community for all of us by initiating Advanced Ceramics and Technologies for Dentistry (ACT4D) as a symposium of the XII European Ceramic Society (ECerS) Conference and Exhibition that took place in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2011. The symposium was a great success, which encouraged James and Tomaž to publish a book Advanced Ceramics for Dentistry, which had the same original idea and motivation as ACT4D. James prolonged the spirit of ACT4D during several ECERS and independent conferences in-person and on-line editions during the COVID pandemic. The last edition was more comprehensive than ever, including design concepts and technologies, digital workflow, biological interactions, clinical aspects, etc. 
    The community feels honoured to continue to nurture the much needed translational research and multidisciplinary discussions between ceramists, engineers and clinicians devoted to dentistry. Therefore, this symposium is meant for scientists, engineers and clinical experts wishing to merge ceramic engineering skills with biological, medical and clinical knowledge. The symposium, endorsed by the Bioceramic working group of ECERS and linked/complementary to Symposium 10, will be built in relation with the European Society of Ceramic Implantology (ESCI), in order to further strengthen the interactions between clinicians and ceramic experts. 
    In frame of SS15, a Shen-Kosmač contest sponsored by CeramTec will be organized inviting young researchers to orally present their cross-disciplinary studies on advanced ceramics and technologies for dentistry.  
                                                                                   Prof. James Zhijan Shen               Prof. Tomaž Kosmač 
                                                                                            1961 − 2021                                     1948 − 2022


    • Dental ceramics clinically applied: implantology, restoration, regeneration 
    • Inert and bioactive ceramics, glass ceramics and ceramic composites for dentistry: new trends  
    • Tailoring properties of dental ceramics: biomechanics, bonding, aesthetics, post-processing, reliability, stability 
    • Zirconia and zirconia-based dental ceramics  
    • Smart surfaces and new functionalities: improving osteointegration, antimicrobial properties, bone regeneration 
    • Tissue response to ceramic implants and their bio-engineering  
    • Processing technologies: CAD/CAM and subtractive processes, injection moulding and additive manufacturing, digital workflow 
    • Digitalisation of the dental ceramic manufacturing workflow 
    • Clinical results of ceramics used in implantology and prosthetics   
    • Clinical specifications, use and regulations 


    Highlight Speakers

    Nicola DÖBELIN, RMS Foundation, Switzerland
    Jianmin HAN, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, China
    Tanja LUBE, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria
    Jens TARTSCH, European Society for Ceramic Implantology, Switzerland

    Keynote Speakers

    Ralf KOHAL, Faculty of Medicine - University of Freiburg, Germany



    Andraž KOCJAN
    Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia


    Paola PALMERO
    Politecnico di Torino, Italy



    Jianmin HAN, Peking University, China 
    Peter JEVNIKAR, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 
    Ralf KOHAL, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Germany 
    Antonia RESSLER, Tampere University, Finland 
    Jens TARTSCH, European Society for Ceramic Implantology, Switzerland

    Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glass is the only research centre in the EU with specific focus on glass and ceramics funded from the EU H2020 programme in the frame of the Teaming scheme. Located in the Slovak republic, it builds on the partnership with four advanced European partners, namely the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Institute of Ceramics and Glass, CSIC Madrid, and University of Padova. The Centre covers a broad range of topics related to structural and functional properties of glass and ceramics, and their surface modifications with the aim of introducing new functionalities. The aim of the Symposium is to provide a thorough overview of research activities and achievements of the Centre and its collaboration with the advanced partners, and to share them with ceramic community.
    The call for abstract of this satellite symposium will be open only to FunGlass partners, but the presentations will be open to all registered ECERS 2023 attendees.



    • Bioactive glass-containing materials and composites,
    • Functional glass and ceramics for various applications, including energy conversion and storage, lighting applications, hydrogen production, and optical thermometry
    • Functional coatings on glass
    • 2D and 3D structures by additive manufacturing techniques
    • Environmental and thermal barrier coatings
    • Corrosion and corrosion protection of glass and ceramicsRecycling and upcycling of inorganic (glass) waste


    Highlight Speakers

    Enrico BERNARDO, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Italy
    Aldo BOCCACCINI, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
    Alicia DURAN, CSIC, Spain
    Dusan GALUSEK, Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glass, Slovakia
    Lothar WONDRACZEK, University of Jena, Germany



    Dušan GALUSEK
    FunGlass, TnUAD, Slovakia



    Martin MICHÁLEK, FunGlass, TnUAD, Slovakia
    Jozef KRAXNER, FunGlass, TnUAD, Slovakia
    Amirhossein PAKSERESHT, FunGlass, TnUAD, Slovakia
    José Joaquín VELÁZQUEZ GARCÍA, FunGlass, TnUAD, Slovakia
  • EVENT PLANNER - Registration CONTACT
    26, avenue Jean Kuntzmann - 38330 Montbonnot, France
    Tel: +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Information desk: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00
    European Ceramic Society
    Groupe Français de Céramique
    MATEIS (INSA Lyon, Université Lyon 1, CNRS)
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

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    ECerS 2023 logo and graphic design: SuperNova Design - ECerS 2023 photo : Frédéric Prochasson
    © Photos : Cité Internationale - Nicolas Robin, Joël Philippon, Nicolas Rodet, Studio Fly, Only Lyon - ww.b-rob.com, Frédéric Prochasson.

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